Friday, December 14, 2012


Many a times we struggle in fighting our demons. Our mind plays constant games with us and we put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Long hours of introspection, sleepless nights – all for something which might in the end be not worth being so worried about.

I think a lot of us end up taking life too seriously and live in the anticipation of the perfectness of it. The fact is that life will never be perfect and the beauty of it lies in it’s imperfectness. The unknown challenges that it keeps throwing always keeps us on the edge and the hope of a brighter tomorrow fuels our belief to carry on.

The key here is acceptance. We should be able to embrace the good and the not so good aspects of life with open arms. If we are able to do so, we will not get intimidated easily and therefore will have less demons to struggle with.

PS: There are things that we can change, we should have the strength to do it. There are things that we can’t, we should have the humility to accept that. And we should have the good sense to know the difference between the two.

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