Monday, August 13, 2012

The First Puff

Digging out a piece I wrote in class X - 2001

The youth ran through his veins
He wished to break all refrains
He wanted to try something new
Without raising much cry & hue
The feeling of adulthood crept into him
He became the master of a new whim
He went to his companion's room
Unknowingly inviting his doom
Choking, suffocating the atmosphere was
The first puff fulfilled his cause
He choked, he coughed, he felt the heat
For him it was a great feat
The first puff will not be easy to forget
Coz 20 years later he now regrets 


  1. of the few few few funny posts this blog has seen! (Applauseeeeee)

  2. Arre Ammu is non sense, this one is awesome :)

    I like the last line ! :)
