Monday, May 14, 2012

Inside Out

Every once in a while you look within
Searching for peace in the din
For answers which may be all around
But can’t be found due to the shaky ground
Look around and you’ll find
The world's going through a tougher grind
The tunnel’s visit is no big wonder
For some short, for some longer
Look in or look out
The demons are yours, have a bout 


  1. Out of your building - get disguised,
    Have some pizzas, gulp some ice,
    Play some taboo, spin those dice...
    Aur kya - life's good, life's nice.

    PS - Ayuuuuuush, this too shall pass! :)

    1. :) Awesome Ammu

      and Robo Dude, again - "this too shall pass" :)
