Friday, January 7, 2011

To stick or Not

It’s interesting to see the reaction of people when they are at the wrong side of the stick. The point of leniency, understanding and accommodation creeps in without them following the same principles. Such deviations can be made in societies that value self discipline. Self discipline in society is a higher stage of evolution which is developed over a period of time. Some are far ahead and some are far behind in this race.

Self discipline also comes from habit because that is the only way of functioning one is exposed to. It begins with a stick at times and gets ingrained in the system gradually. Take Singapore for an example. There is a severe punishment for littering, breaking traffic rules etc. there. It’s a stick method. However, gradually it will become the way of living there and the need for such stringent measures would not be required then.

There’s a lot of debate of the measures that Sanjay Gandhi took during the Emergency. He also followed the stick method. However, the objectives for which he was doing it were the need of the hour for a society as a whole. Many people would not agree with it but a benevolent dictator is better than any system of democracy, the only issue being that dictators are not benevolent. Maybe India could wish for one.

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