I’ll begin with the question when do you stop to compromise, adjust, understand or accommodate in a situation. Some people will be of the view that why should one do all the above things in the first place. Just go on and do the things you believe in and to hell with the world and the people who don’t think the way you do. Why the hell do you need to compromise? However that’s not how things are and one has to keep a fine balance between the two ways of looking at things and choose the middle path. That brings us to the question where to draw the line and the need to draw the line altogether? Till when to adjust and when to put your foot down?
You do the “right things” and are “Mr. Nice”. Not complaining, always smiling etc. and that’s indication enough for people to not take your concerns seriously. Ok I’ll accommodate because that’s what I believe in, in not being difficult and not causing any hassel to anyone but for how long? Don’t people start taking you for a ride and take undue advantage of your cooperation. Maybe even stop valuing you as you are Mr. No Issues. “Nice guys finish last” – how true is that? I might sound cynical here but isn’t that the way things truly are?
A large section of people will of the view that the people themselves are responsible for this state. You get pushed because you let people push you but then aren’t the people also pushing these guys to be what they are not? These people are genuinely nice, simple people who believe in going about doing their jobs and following certain value system. By not taking their concerns seriously when put across by them you are forcing them to be manipulative to get what is truly theirs. Some of these guys change in the garb of “practicality” and a lot of them don’t as it’s simply not them and in the event get “pushed”.
Why should the question arise of drawing the line? Are we scared of taking a stand? Are we afraid of what people will think if we don't agree with them or be very different in our thought process?
I think it's important to take a stand, at least when the situation demands..
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