Wednesday, October 14, 2009

To be or not to be

To be or not to be. It’s quite a difficult question faced by a lot of us. It’s that constant conflict between what one is supposed to do and what one wants to do. It’s a constant challenge to one’s individuality. No matter what the so called intelligentsia and the drawing room discussions brag about believing in oneself and following one’s own path, the truth is far away. The reality is quite different. It takes quite a lot of courage to believe in oneself and try and to maintain one’s individuality in a world that is constantly trying to change you, a world that wants to breed conformists rather than thinkers who move you out of the comfort zone.

However, at the risk of sounding like one of the parties above I believe that the power of the youth can enable them to take the path not trodden. It’s in this period of one’s life cycle that one has the liberty to take risks, falter, make mistakes and still not loose too much. Life’s long and there’s enough time to catch up. If one cannot stand by one’s beliefs when the blood is hot and young, then will someone take a stand when there is a family to support? I guess not.

I strongly believe that unless we, the youth give it a serious thought and believe that it’s not that difficult after all, that we can be ourselves without being squashed, the future generation might inherent a very different world. It’s time that the smart, educated youth who are so talented start questioning and not doing things because they are supposed to do it else a job, a placement, a career defining opportunity, a B-school admission might get jeopardized. It’s time they realized that no one in this world has the power to screw your life till the time you believe that they have. It’s time that we stop existing and start living.

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