Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Just a Thought : Thirty One

That moment when every inch of your body is screaming one thing
And your soul other
The winner decides the road less taken

Saturday, October 17, 2015


The scale of balance seems skewed
Negativity is gradually getting brewed
A sense of injustice hovers around
Self pity restricts to gain ground
From far away empathy takes a look
And finds a similar story in every nook
She wants to reach out and help
But realises each one has their own mountains to climb
Some large, some small
But seemingly insurmountable to one and all
A change of perception will turn the table
The demonish mountains are conquerable

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Just a Thought : Thirty

No matter how satisfied you feel
With what you've achieved
All the hard work you've put in
A sense of entitlement creeping in

There's that one honest, humbling moment in a day
When you realise how blessed and lucky you are
And that one grateful moment makes all the difference

Friday, July 17, 2015

Embrace Sorrow

Most of us spend the bulk of our lives in the pursuit of happiness. As a result we shy away from anything that brings us sorrow or try to avoid those situations. As an optimist I would try to look at the positive side of all situations and drive away all negativity.  Putting up a brave face in such situations is also something that most “positive thinking” people would suggest.

Though this is what even I would do but embracing sorrow at times is not such a bad idea. Loosening the tough façade and exposing the emotions can actually do wonders at times. Just like yin and yang, happiness and sorrow go hand in hand and together the two can do wonders.

I’m not suggesting that one becomes a grieving bore, all I’m suggesting is that embrace the difficult times with equal graciousness as the good times as both are equally important in building one’s personality, character and “core memories”. This concept is very beautifully shown in the movie – “Inside Out” and I recommend that everyone should watch the movie.

P.S. :  Keep smiling as it’s contagious but don’t be shy to shed a tear once in a while        

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

23 years on...

25 March 1992, it’s been 23 years when I first stepped into the world of Welham and what a journey it has been. Dishing out something I wrote in 2003

The river flowed by
The birds flew high
The quite surroundings
Compelled a lady into thinking
To think of an institution
Which would shower perfection
An institution where a privileged lot
Will spend time that one can forget not
Generations have taken beautiful memories
Standing testimony to which are these long standing trees
The home away from home is truly awesome

It’s none other but a place called Welham