Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spilled Milk

Most of us yearn for that something extra in our lives or have that one regret – only if I had done this or scored that 1% extra, life would be so much different. Well it very well would be different, but it wouldn’t be utopian. Just like we have our blessings and some aspects not to our liking in the current scheme of things, the desired life would bring the downs along with the ups. It’s not a one way highway.   

Last week I saw an interesting film on this subject – Mr. Destiny. It very beautifully captures this emotion of not crying over spilled milk and appreciating what you have in life in a very non-preachy way. So count your blessings and wear a smile. J  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Just a Thought: Twenty Six

There’s always a temptation to quit
There’s always a point of no return
There’s also always a rock solid belief
To carry on, to see the light