Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back to the Basics

How many times we end up from where we started, the first instinctive thought is the thought we come back to after all the analysis and so on and so forth. Similarly there are these new trends that one keeps hearing about – disconnect, de-globalization, insourcing etc.

Various technologies and engineering skills were used to make our lives easier, simpler and faster. The world became a global village and being connected an absolute necessity, to the extent that we became over-connected. And now we need to disconnect in order to reclaim some of the peace that these very technologies were supposed to give us.

Similarly in the corporate world, concepts like Globalization and outsourcing were created. However, from de-globalization to "insourcing", the reversal of trends seems to be the buzz. It began with Obama talking about bringing the jobs back to America to help him become the most powerful man in the world, but now the corporates are helping him achieve that by shifting productions facilities back home. Right from GE to Lenovo to Apple, the leadership believes that outsourcing could be an outdated strategy.

While the world figures out where they are headed, I think I know where I need to go – to the nearest spa.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Just a Thought: Twenty Three

The particles flow around
Basking in their individuality
Until droplets unite them

Into a world of undesirability